Friday, March 8, 2013

Performance Enhancing Drug Penalties

Hi everyone! Last week I did a podcast on Performance Enhancing Drugs and if Major League Baseball should have a tougher punishment. Earlier this week, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig said that he is pushing for a more strict punishment. He is proposing this punishment to Major League Baseball and the players’ association. Selig says that one of the reasons for a proposed tougher punishment is that players are allegedly trying to get performance-enhancing drugs through a South Florida doctor. Another reason why Selig wants a stricter punishment is the growing number of players who have been suspended for using performance-enhancing drugs since the punishment was implemented in 2005. There have been 67 players suspended for performance-enhancing drugs. In 2012, 6 players were suspended for performance-enhancing drugs. Selig says that he knows that their probably be a player that will break the rules but he wants the number of player suspension for performance-enhancing drugs to go down. I think it is good that Major League Baseball is trying to correct their mistakes of the past. In the past, Major League Baseball took a hit because it seemed that they ignored the issue when people started to talk about certain players who looked like there were taking steroids or other substances. I think the punishment that they have right now is a strict punishment.  I’m trying to understand what a more tougher punishment would be. Would a proposed punishment be if you test positive for performance-enhancing drugs at first time your ban for life? I think that Major League Baseball should keep suspending players who keep using performance-enhancing drugs but MLB wants to stop the use of performance-enhancing drugs in baseball.

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